Hyde Park Location

(513) 248-1210

Milford Location

(513) 248-1210

Newborn Care

Newborn Care in Cincinnati & Hyde Park, OH

While pregnancy is a long journey, even more work starts once your baby is born. It can be overwhelming to think about caring for your newborn but it’s important to know that you don’t have to do it alone. Our pediatric staff is there to help you along the way and give you any advice as needed. 

Caring for Your Newborn

There are many "right" ways to care for your newborn.  At ESD Pediatric Group, we feel that it is important that you are supported so that you can make the best decisions for your newborn and family.  At office visits, we will discuss things like feeding, sleep schedule, elimination and development.  We will help to make sure that your newborn is healthy, growing and developing appropriately.  We also have RNs available during the day to answer questions via phone for questions that come up or you can send your questions directly to a provider via the patient portal.

Newborn Care Visits

The first newborn visit takes place typically several days after hospital discharge at day of life 3-7.  At this visit your questions will be answered, the baby's measurements will be taken, and an exam will be performed.  Most babies will lose some weight initially (up to 10% is acceptable).  We want them to hit a nadir then start to gain.  Once they start to gain, they will typically gain about an ounce of weight gain per day.  If you baby is not at their birth weight at that first visit (most are not), they will have a follow up visit usually in about a week to recheck how they are doing.  Once they show good weight gain and regain their birth weight, they will then advance to the regular well check schedule which begins at 1 month.

Are you a first-time parent with a ton of questions about caring for a newborn baby? Contact ESD Pediatric Group in Cincinnati & Hyde Park, OH at (513) 248-1210 to schedule an appointment!


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Milford Only

